How Hair Growth Works - What You Should Know

There are many ways to discover the secrets of how to have healthy hair growth. Healthy hair growth is something that people are more conscious about nowadays because of hair loss. In fact, you may think that hair loss is a thing of the past. If you had your hair trimmed then you would know that it takes quite a long time for hair to grow back again if it has been cut down. When hair has been cut down then there is a greater tendency for the scalp to contract or shrink because of a lack of proper blood circulation. That's the reason why experts recommend that the hair be left to grow naturally after it is cut down.

As mentioned above, hair grows faster at a faster rate when it is exposed to the sun. However, there are some other things that slow down the growth of the hair. One of these is exposure to cold weather. When you are living in a place where the temperature regularly drops below zero then your hair grows slower because of the lack of exposure to the cold weather.

However, many people believe that they have healthy hair growth if they regularly wash their hair with the best shampoo and Conditioner. This might work to a certain extent because the hair grows faster when shampooing compared to when washed. However, this does not mean that washing your hair every day would be beneficial. Veliky said that shampooing your hair daily would not help you prevent hair loss in case you are suffering from alopecia. In fact, it might even accelerate the rate at which you lose your hair.

How about hair growth vitamins? These are supposed to be used regularly. However, this is another thing that most people do not do. They are aware that vitamins play a major role in the growth of hair, but they do not use them regularly. This means that even if they are taking vitamins for hair growth they do not make use of all of them in their routine.

You can find all the information you need on how hair growth works through internet research. However, you might not get all the information from the experts. As Veliky rightly said, you have to approach the subject from a scientific standpoint. You cannot talk about hair growth without speaking about hormones. You cannot talk about hair growth without talking about DNA.

If you want to know how the process of hair loss works then you might want to take a look at geneticists. These are people who are experts in studying how different genes affect the growth of hair. The process is so complicated that it is better left to scientists than to ordinary people. This is because they know how it works. If you do not know how they work then you cannot understand their findings.

So if you are taking any kind of vitamin for hair growth then you are actually taking a supplement designed for hair growth. Just because a certain nutrient is beneficial for your body does not mean it will be beneficial for your hair. There could be some other factors involved in the functioning of the follicles. Vitamins and minerals work by binding with specific receptors on the scalp and follicles and allowing nutrients to reach them. If you do not know how the nutrients bind then you might just be taking a vitamin with no beneficial effect on the hair.

What you need to do is read up on this subject a little more so that you can understand how hair growth works. Then you will be able to tell if a certain vitamin has the right ingredient to bind to the receptors in the hair follicles and allow the nutrients to pass through to the roots. Once you know how hair growth works you will probably be able to identify if a certain vitamin will be helpful to improve the way your hair grows.